Flowers and stars: Cut slits evenly spaced on both ends of tube leaving one inch uncut at the center of tube. Pull tabs back until they meet and attach with tape. Continue to do the same until all tabs have been pulled back and secured with opposite tab. Hang from string or attach to a dowel, decorate with paint, paper, or whatever the heart desires.
Shakers: Seal end of tube using paper and tape. Fill slightly with rice, beans, sand, or whatever sound making item you like. Seal opposite end and decorate. Shake, shake, shake!
Rain sticks: Same as shaker but add holes w/awl along tube seam. Poke nails into hole not to breach the opposite side. Use tape to secure nails. Cover with decorative paper and tissue. Seal with Acrylic glaze.
Abstract sculpture: Making connections
Stems and holes- Prepare a pile of tubes cut to different lengths with holes punched randomly all over the tube. Cut chenille stems to different lengths. Attach tubes by connecting with chenille stems. Allow free play and "see what happens!"
Dip and stick- Mix 1 part Elmer's glue w/1 part Tacky glue. Collect several cut lengths of T.P. tubes, cardboard scraps. Use one large paper plate as a base or any scrap cardboard. Lastly, dip card board scraps and tubes into glue and stick and stack!
Stack and tape- Cut several lengths of cardboard tubes, cut slits in the ends of the tubes and demonstrate how to bend the slits to form tabs. Use bits of tape to attach tabs or just tubes, to other tube segments. More tape= more secure. Tip- tear off several pieces of tape ahead of time to eliminate the frustration of tangled tape balls.
Slits and slips- Cut several lengths of cardboard tubes, cut slits in the ends of the tubes. This time instead of bending the tabs, attach a second tube to the first by slipping it into the slit. Continue with other tubes and form tall towers of tubes.
Chain: Cut tubes into rings that can be decorated w/any medium you choose. Cut a slit through one side of the ring and connect to a second ring. tape the slit closed and continue to add rings.
Puppet: Two fingers fit nicely into one end of the tube. decorate tube with fabric, paper, markers and paint or whichever materials are handy. Allow to dry. Use an old card board box or the open back of a dining chair and an apron or towel as a curtain for your puppet stage. Let your stories come to life!
Critters: Glue or tape cut paper strips to your T.P. rolls to create legs, antennae, stingers, tongues, etc. Use markers to add details.
Bird feeders: One tube, card board circle cut to fit bottom of roll, chenille stem to hang the feeder from, hole punch, and wooden dowel or straw, tape and craft paint. Punch two holes opposite each other at the top and bottom of the roll (two holes at top and two at bottom). Punch two more holes at the bottom each just one inch above the original holes. Insert wooden dowel (or straw) through bottom holes. In one side and out the other side to form a perch. Secure with tape on the inside of the tube. Tape cardboard circle to the bottom of the tube. Paint and seal. Hang with chenille stem and fill with birdseed.

Towers and Castles: Card board base plus tubes cut to different lengths, tape, Cardboard scraps, markers and misc. materials for decorations.
Snakes and Worms: String several tubes together in a row using hole punch and string. Decorate with stripes of colored tape or paint with tempera paint. Add details with markers and misc. textures.
Wind chime/Mobile: attach several tubes to a sturdy paper plate using hole punch and string. Hang found metal objects from plate stringing each of the items through separate tubes so that they dangle loosely below. Decorate tubes and plate with paint. Coat w/protective acrylic finish.
Ornaments: Wrap T.P. segments in layers of brightly colored tissue paper and watered down craft glue. complete with glitter glue and sequins for added color and sparkle. Punch a hole and hang with chenille stem.
Mask parts: T.P tubes make great noses, ears, trunks, alien antennae, etc.
Paper Mache Armature: Use as part of a base for paper mache sculpture by attaching parts with tape and covering with layers of tinfoil to keep cardboard from becoming soggy.
Rocket ships: Paint T.P. roll with glue and cover with tinfoil. Attach scraps and thingamabobs. Cut two slits at top of T.P. roll, insert large card board triangle. Tape three small triangles to the bottom at evenly spaced increments for a tri-pod look and blast-off!